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Our Impact

To address inequitable outcomes in health, wealth and education, REACH aims to build youth interest in STEM and health care careers from the moment they start preschool. Since 2018, we've engaged more than 10,000 students, parents, educators and community members.

“I brag so much about the support system, the learning opportunities, and the mission of the internship itself. I realized who was my fuel to continue my career path in medicine. It is REACH, MedSTEM Pathways, my cohort, Rush University Medical Center. I cannot describe the life changing impact [REACH has had on] me and all of the other REACH students. I tear up every time I speak about REACH, it literally changed my life.”

Jayline P. – UIC Medicina Scholar, Class of 2023

5 Years of REACH at a Glance:

Building equitable pathways to college and careers requires focus,
engagement and support. The data tell the story: Our work gets results.

  • 18,000+ students, parents and community members participated in REACH programming and wraparound supports.
  • 1,000+ high school and college students completed 100,000+ hours of paid, work-based learning and internships.
  • 449 high school students earned stackable, industry-recognized certifications: phlebotomy, CPR, first aid, ECG technician and health care IT.
  • 96% of REACH students enrolled in college after high school, and 94% returned to or enrolled in college for a second year.
  • 500+ educators were
    trained in STEM-focused
    learning and resilience.

Click here to view our highlight summary page, or see below for the full report.

Read our impact reports and watch our videos to learn more: