“I brag so much about the support system, the learning opportunities, and the mission of the internship itself. I realized who was my fuel to continue my career path in medicine. It is REACH, MedSTEM Pathways, my cohort, Rush University Medical Center. I cannot describe the life changing impact [REACH has had on] me and all of the other REACH students. I tear up every time I speak about REACH, it literally changed my life.”
Jayline P. – UIC Medicina Scholar, Class of 2023
5 Years of REACH at a Glance:
Building equitable pathways to college and careers requires focus,
engagement and support. The data tell the story: Our work gets results.
- 18,000+ students, parents and community members participated in REACH programming and wraparound supports.
- 1,000+ high school and college students completed 100,000+ hours of paid, work-based learning and internships.
- 449 high school students earned stackable, industry-recognized certifications: phlebotomy, CPR, first aid, ECG technician and health care IT.
- 96% of REACH students enrolled in college after high school, and 94% returned to or enrolled in college for a second year.
- 500+ educators were
trained in STEM-focused
learning and resilience.
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